We know the best gift comes on four legs and cleans up the sauce you just spilled on the floor. But short of getting another dog, giving the gift of Dogist is pretty great too.
And by this, I mean, The Dogist Stories, my new Substack, which takes you behind the scenes of dog photography, dog life, dog lessons, and dog love.
My goal here is to get to connect with my core Dogist community members, the diehards who revel in the beauty of all things dog and doggish in a closer and more focused way.
For the rest of this month, I’m offering an special introductory subscription rate of $6 a month or $50 a year. Don’t miss out!
So get a subscription for yourself or a friend. You will be the cat’s meow (dog’s woof?). The bee’s knees (the dog’s dewclaws?). I’ll quit while I’m ahead.
If you do — and you should — you will get to read and participate in all of the exciting forthcoming Dogist content. The site’s official mascot, Elsa, may make a few appearances. Oh, here she comes now.
Don’t wait! Get your Dogist Stories subscription here!
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Or you can share the newsletter with friends who might want to subscribe.
Have a doggone good day!